Brussels Briefing n. 55 “Opportunities of blockchain for agriculture”
The Brussels Development Briefing n. 55 on Opportunities of blockchain for agriculture organised by CTA, the European Commission/EuropeAid, the ACP Secretariat, Concord and BMZ was held on 15th May 2019.
This Briefing looked at the opportunities and challenges of Blockchain technology for agriculture and the food system and new opportunities which can benefit smallholders, particularly with the private sector, and adoption of the whole food systems approach, including a stronger consideration of the tradeoffs which need to be made. It provided an overview of the opportunities and challenges in adopting the blockchain technology in agriculture and the agrifood industry across several sectors and looked at best practices and successful applications of the blockchain technology of interest to the ACP countries. Policies are important as well as awareness and knowledge sharing about the technology and its implications.
website of the event
TE-food: Blockchain applications in food safety
The only fresh food ecosystem which integrates supply chain companies, consumers, and governments/authorities to improve food safety, eliminate food frauds, and decrease costs of the supply chain companies. Presentation by Erik Árokszállási, CEO, TE-FOOD International
presentation (slide show)
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