Food Integrity Blockchained Meet-ups

Blockchain technology provides exciting new opportunities to create integer food systems. Let’s explore this new space together. Welcome to the network of Food Integrity Blockchained!
We learn how blockchain can – and cannot – accelerate food integrity by
• Bringing people together from food companies, farmers, developers, regulators etc
• Learning from new use cases in food
• Running our own blockchain experiments with our adopted case: AgUnity
Meet offline
We meet in Amsterdam every 2nd Tuesday of the month at 18:30 and post a youtube summary of the event
What is new, is that we offer blockchain basics prior to the meetup. We don’t want ‘blockchain tourists’, people not really interested in the meaning of this technology for food, but we welcome blockchain newbees. In one hour, we help you to understand some basics. ;
Playlist with all the video registrations ofv the meetups from July 2017 to April 2019
FIB use case 18: Fortified Seeds Africa
Fortified Seeds in Africa was selected as a use case that would be followed across numerous meet-ups. The starting point is the notion that more trust in value chains is needed to let biofortification come to full fruition in low income countries.
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FIB use case 19: agri-wallet and Coin 22
Coin22's Ad Rietberg presents Agri-Wallet. How can blockchain help Kenyan farmers?
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FIB use case 20: Scantrust
Nathan Anderson, co-founder of Scantrust, presents Scantrust. How to combat counterfitting with blockchain-based internet-of-packaging solutions.
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FIB case 21: AgOS
Paul Adrien Genet will present AgOS. How can blockchain help agrifood?
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FIB use case 22: BlocRice
Oxfam Novib's Rogier Verschoor presents BlocRice. How can blockchain help Cambodian Farmers get paid a fair income?
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FIB use case 23: CargoLedger
Hjalmar van der Schaaf presents CargoLedger. Can blockchain make shipping faster and more efficient?
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FIB Use case 1: Table Grapes
Food Integrity Blockchained case #1 Organic Table Grapes from South Africa to AH (super market in the Netherlands) – Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt (AgriPlace) and Bob Klaase (VAA) presented the use case during the first Food Integrity Blockchained meet-up on Tuesday, July 4, 2017
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FIB Use case 4: AgUnity
Food Integrity Blockchained use case #4: on AgUnity took place in Amsterdam on October 3, 2017. AgUnity have large numbers of smallholders on the multichain blockchain, AgriLedger, and drastically increased farm income. Cacao farmers in Papua New Guinea and wheat farmers in Kenya. David Davies, founder and CEO of AgUnity presented the work they were doing
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FIB use case 5: FairFood's coconut case
1 in 20 products in the supermarket contain coconut. The most obvious are products containing coconut milk, coconut water or coconut fibers, but many more products secretly contain coconut in the form of oil: which is nutritious, has a neutral taste and only turns soft if it is above room temperature. This is ideal for making ice cream that melts less quickly and biscuits that stay crunchy longer. It’s processed in products like sweets, biscuits, ice cream, sauces, coffee creamer, chocolate products, and baby food.
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FIB use case 6: tomates with is a mature and scalable solution for transparency in fresh food supply chains from the USA. They will elaborate on the tomato supply chain. Phil Harris presenting their solution.
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FIB use case 8: Livingstone ventures
Scaling safe food production locally with[masked] farmers (Livingstone Ventures)
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FIB use case 13: Binkabi
Binkabi is a platform for issuing and trading commodities on the blockchain. Binkabi created cross border commodity trading platform (Barter Block™) and is currently building the world’s first blockchain based commodity exchange.
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FIB use case 14: Project Oregano (TNO)
For our 15th use case TNO's Pieter Verhagen presents Project Oregano. Project Oregano was the winner of the public safety track of the Blockchaingers hackathon with their answer to the question: How can blockchain be used for tracking weed? Can blockchain help with making marijuana fully legal in the Netherlands?
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FIB use case 15: Albert Heijn Orange juice
Time to discuss the latest blockchain news. Albert Heijn, Refresco & SIM track orange juice on the blockchain. How does this work and what are the up and down sides?
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Maturity Level:
Multiple (in case of collections)
Type of access:
Funding agency:
The New Fork
Organization main contributor:
The New Fork
Partner organization:
Contact email for contributor:
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