Biofortified maize in Nigeria

In the summer of 2017 Marieke de Ruyter de Wildt started a movement in the Netherlands around blockchain for food. During the first Big Data Convention in Cali Colombia in September 2017, the Community of Practice on Socio-economic Data started a working group on this topic focused on low and middle-income countries known as The Blockchain Coalition. The collaboration between the Fork and CGIAR has further strengthened over the recent years with the Strike Two Summit events organized by the Fork in which the CGIAR Platform for Big data in Agriculture sits on the governing bodies. In the past years (2017-2019), The Blockchain Coalition has undertaken a number of efforts to identify and develop proofs of concepts and pilots for the use of digital trust and transparency technologies of which blockchain technology is a key component. Therefore the current report is timely to set the scene and provide insights into a specific use case.